The Little Things

Hi Friends,

I think mindfulness  is something we (we as in most millennial’s) all struggle with these days. #WhoCanRelate

I think we can attribute that to the constants in our life, social media, digital dating, high speed everything.

I sat in my car the other evening and watched a pedestrian cross a busy intersection with his head down the entire time texting, he didn’t look up once. I was terrified for him…and I was safely tucked in my car. I thought, “What was so urgent that he is walking more blindly than a literal blind man?”

Truthfully, I’ve been “that person” walking around halls at the office busily texting or scrolling Instagram to busy my mind. In the grocery line checking out chatting on the phone while missing out on the opportunity to chat with a kind soul. Making the assistant at the doctors office feel invisible because I’d rather double click pictures than take a few moment’s to see how her day was going.

So, I’ve been challenging myself to put my phone down more.  Minimizing screen time to hopefully relearn life a little more grounded and aware. To avoid grabbing this addictive device the second my eyes open and friends, let me tell you, I feel like my quality of life is so much more rich these days. I am falling in love with life that I had all around me. I am falling in love with myself, for real for real, not for Instagram pictures, not for validation of my internet friends, but on a deep level that’s intimate for me.

I still capture pictures of little things that make me smile, but I save them for later to reflect on instead of sharing immediately with IG stories or feeling the need to edit colors and post. I save it so I can remain present in the moment with the experience and whomever I am sharing it with. Again, the quality of life goes up.

Little things…finding thrifted Buddha’s that made me smile instantly ~ “Hear no, see no, speak no evil”

Little things…eating my nourish bowl in stillness, taking my time to taste the flavors, experience the textures and not be distracted by my phone.

{Peanut butter & jelly protein oatmeal, hemp seeds, chia seeds, cacao nibs, ground flax}

Little things…waking up and taking an impromptu spin class for the first time in years to challenge myself mentally and physically. Most of all, have FUN and do a workout for my soul, not aesthetics. 

The little things…like finding Winifred at a local farmers market. I literally know all of the words to Hocus Pocus. Who else is a 90’s baby?

The important little things…like spending time with a close girlfriend, listening to live music and enjoying each others company at the fall festival.

Taking more time to slow down and just be.

With love,



Guilt-Free Mug Cake!


There is something deliciously satisfying about warm cake & cool ice cream, right? Talk about a childhood weakness (Costco cakes, to be specific!) I’ve found a 100% guilt-free and Vegan friendly ‘dessert’ that’s been my night time staple! The best part of it all, I am sneaking in superfoods and probiotics that taste like a milkshake! #WINNING

Recipe (Serves 1):

Vanilla ‘Ice-cream’:

1 serving Formula 1 Cookies & Cream

1 cup unsweetened vanilla almond milk

1 tsp guar-gum to thicken

1 small frozen banana

1 cup ice + blend

1 tbsp sprinkles (optional, but you’re not living if you don’t!) 😉

Chocolate Mug Cake:

1 serving dutch chocolate formula 1

3 tbsp organic coconut flour

1 tbsp cocoa powder

1 tsp baking powder

1/4 cup unsweetened vanilla almond milk

1 tsp vanilla extract

2 tbsp peanut flour

Mix wet & dry ingredients together in ramekin + microwave for 45-60 seconds until fluffy!

I can’t go to bed without dessert, even if it’s a piece of dark chocolate! I truly believe in moderation, not deprivation for sustainable weight loss and healthy lifestyle. It’s possible, just make healthy alternatives when you can! 🙂

Do you make room for a night-time ‘healthy dessert?” What’s your favorite late night treat?



Vegan Scramble!


My favorite meal of the day is Sunday breakfast! I love sweet and savory combos like scrambled ‘egg’s, fresh berries and cinnamon raisin toast! So much protein and bursts of flavor. Tofu scramble is my new staple on weekends and I love coconut oil spray to ‘butter’ toast for a healthy & calorie free alternative! I was inspired by Whole Foods tofu scramble and wanted to recreate a cost efficient version that I could *whisk* up at home on a lazy Sunday morning.


  • 6oz Extra Firm Organic Non-GMO Tofu
  • 1 tsp turmeric powder
  • 1/2 tbsp garlic powder
  • Scant pink Himalayan salt
  • Scant coarse black pepper
  • 1 tsp hot sauce of choice
  • 1/2 cup sautéed zucchini and yellow onion
  • 1 tbsp nutritional yeast


  1. Pre-heat skillet to medium heat
  2. 2 tbsp water in skillet to steam veggies
  3. Cut 1/2 cup zucchini and yellow onion, place in skillet to steam and brown
  4. Crumble tofu in hands and place into skillet
  5. Allow tofu to lightly crisp along with veggies
  6. Sprinkle over dry spices, move turmeric powder evenly until all tofu is slight yellow
  7. Scant in hot sauce and salt to taste
  8. Scant nutritional yeast on top for ‘cheesy’ flavor
  9. Serve hot and enjoy!

Have you tasted tofu scramble? What were your thoughts and would you try this plant based ‘egg’ recipe?



Yoga Flow


Am I the only person who scrolls at insanely inspirational yogi’s, who twist and bend like pretzels wondering why I can’t get past downward dog? I can’t be the only one! I easily get in the comparison trap when it comes to aspiring to be a yoga Queen, it’s simply not my natural calling. I do firmly believe in the benefits of yoga because stretching + strength is incredible for recovery and building muscle.

You don’t have to fit into a square box when it comes to expressing your yoga flow. Moving your body in an intentional way is still movement! I still want to incorporate yoga into my daily fitness because it’s healing for the mind, body, and spirit. My current yoga program is helping me learn the yoga basics while still keeping me challenged! The last thing I want to do is sit on a mat for 40 minutes and not break a sweat. Ain’t nobody got time for that!


I applaud those fierce yogis who can do handstands and make you feel like your zen on a beach somewhere exotic. If you are looking to ease your way into a yoga journey but need a little help, I’ve got you covered! I recently discovered a 3 Week Yoga Retreat that’s virtual so I can do it in the comfort of my own home. I kinda feel like a newbie yoga ninja! Being in my own space and solitude, I don’t feel pressure from more advanced yoga eyes. Sometimes studios can be intimidating, not to mention expensive! Girl – I am not down for $25 per drop in session…that’s gel a pedicure!

If your curious about yoga but you don’t always feel like it’s mean’t for you, maybe try my virtual program to slowly but surely help you build confidence like it’s doing for me.  Seriously tho, It’s helping me embrace my flexibility and every session I get excited to measure my progress! I think this is the perfect program for vacations, weekends and travel because you can find your peace anywhere you want! Yoga on your schedule, anywhere and anytime! Yassss.

I am a little too excited about the new poses I am learning for some fun Instagram shots now that I can do more than sit in child’s pose! LOL!

What is your favorite way to do yoga? Music? Lights? Hot yoga? Community yoga? Please share!



Healthy Work Meal Prep!

Healthy eating for work doesn’t have to be complicated, friends! Many of us have jobs and other obligations that can make maintaining a healthy lifestyle challenging. I have learned over the years that simple, clean sources of energy are great office choices because they are inexpensive and take minimal time to prepare or think about! Please click the image below to learn how I prep healthy lunches and snacks in under 5 minutes! Slide1 (2).jpg

What are your staple healthy work meals?

Much Love,


Fat Burning Workout!

I have always been a strong believer in cardiovascular activity for optimal health. It’s important to stay active and be mindful of your daily movement, especially if you have a sedentary job or don’t get to move a lot during your regular day. Time is money and I don’t think any of us enjoy laboring over a machine for 30 minutes. There are more effective ways to burn fat, challenge your heart and stay active in less than 15 minutes a 2-3x per week, with the same benefits of low intensity cardio for a longer duration! Click the image below to see my current High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) and healthy food over the weekend! slide1-1

What is your favorite form of cardio?

Much Love,


Healthy Dinner Recipe!

During the work week the last thing I want to do is come home and make a laborious dinner. I’ve gotten into the routine of a healthy and volume packed dinner that is cheap and filling! You can change the flavor with different spices or sauces. The best part of all, it’s VEGAN! There is naturally over 20 grams of plant based protein in this meal. Please click the image below to watch recipe in 90 seconds!


What is your staple dinner during the week?

Much Love,


The Scale Doesn’t Matter!

In the fitness industry there is too much emphasis on numbers. Has anyone else noticed magazines that say ‘drop 10lbs’ or ‘lose 5 inches’? It’s a sick control mechanism by marketers to make us thing we have to be an ideal number according to society’s standards. Personally, the scale can get to my head so I decided to try a more accurate measure of my body to prove that scales don’t know what your body ‘weight’ truly means. Please watch my video to learn about my experience with the InBody Fat Analysis!


Have you ever struggled with numbers?

Much Love,


How to Order Vegan Pizza!

Don’t be scared of trying a Vegan lifestyle if you are afraid of childhood favorites, like pizza! Friends, it is possible to have your pizza and enjoy it too. I filmed a video walking you through my experience ordering Vegan friendly pizza at a chain restaurant! I hope you find this helpful and if you do, please share it with your friends! Click the picture below to watch my video!


What are you favorite pizza toppings? Tell me!

Much Love,


Vegans Eat Protein?

Shalom! Many of you know that I am transitioning to a Vegan lifestyle. If you didn’t, please visit my YouTube channel as I am documenting this entire journey! I think the first thing people ask is, ‘how do you get enough protein’? When they hear that a person is Vegan.

I have a question for you? What is the strongest land animal on earth? You think elephant, correct? What do elephants eat? PLANTS! I 90% of my protein from fiber rich vegetables, legumes, nuts, grains and fruits. Sometimes I like something a little sweet and more convenient on the go which is why I am sharing my new favorite protein shake recipe with you!

aaaaaaPlease click on the picture to watch my 60 second recipe on my YouTube channel!

What is your favorite protein powder? 

Much love,
