Hungarian Baby & Farmers Markets

Friday night I made a discovery. Cleaning my apartment is abnormally satisfying. To the point where I was twerking to Beyoncé’ in the midst of scrubbing my cabinet down with Lysol. After a neighbor walked by and judged my leopard sports bra and mannish singing, I decided I should probably close the blinds and patio window for future twerkin’

I decided Saturday would be an unscheduled rest day, instead of Sunday. Not because the calendar said so, not because it was day 5 of 6 of intense workouts. Just honoring my body, resting when I wanna, and embracing balance. Plus you get to sleep in longer and roll around in bed like a beached whale. #winning

20140803-210812-76092997.jpgSaturday morning I put my 2 weeks of free yoga to good use after I woke up from a leisurely slumber. Hot restorative yoga to meditate and help my muscles loosen up is just what the doctor ordered.


I’ve had a farmers market flyer on my fridge for the past 2 weeks. Since my budget is extra tight this month due to larger bills from my move, I needed to make the most of my resources. Tip for budget cautious foodies: farmers markets are a veggie lovers playground for about 60% less than the grocery store.

20140803-210943-76183739.jpgAll dis’ for $17.00, yes, dis. 

And if your wondering, that cabbage is the size of a small Hungarian baby, and the zucchini is it’s Ethiopian baby brother. Forgive me, I am feeling extra culturally diverse after my weekend in Chicago. #culturehub


20140803-211029-76229386.jpgSunday I drove to the city to spend time with family and get out of the neighborhood. I took full advantage of my aunts LA Fitness membership and went to spin! Spinning is my ultimate favorite form of cross-training, as ya’ll know. Now that I don’t belong to a formal gym, going to a real gym is like winning the golden ticket.

After my 19 mile ride and getting my ass handed to me it was time for girls day in the city. I  was treated to nail day and succumbed to my old school weakness (acrylics – don’t judge).

20140803-211133-76293576.jpgMy hanger kicked in about mid-appointment so we B-lined to Flat Top Grill. This was my first time at Flat Top and I officially broke up with Chipotle, cheated on Cafe Rio, and found my new favorite restaurant. Yep – one and done. It’s that’s damn good. I had 2 full bowls, and went back for thirds.


The concept is you choose whatever you want from produce, protein, sauce, and carbs, they grill it fresh, and bring it to your table in a buddah bowl.


I ate a weeks worth of veggies in one setting. Then went home and ate more. Rocked a veggie belly for the next 9 hours. No biggie.


What was the highlight of your weekend?

Who else finds cleaning therapeutic?

What is your favorite go-to healthy spot?







6 thoughts on “Hungarian Baby & Farmers Markets

  1. Kaitlin says:

    Girl, you are doing a wonderful job at this! Adult life is tough and I love the thriftyness of your workouts and produce! I really need to get my act together and pick up some veggies in advance of the week. I’ve been dying for salads at lunch! I just buckled and went into Whole Foods and boy if I wasn’t limited to my gift card (holding off on the credit card there right now 😉 I would buy EVERYTHING!!

    • Ashley @MilesonOats says:

      Hey lovie~ I am trying! Last night my grocery bill crept up to $64 instead of my $50 budget (ahem, restocking pb, jelly, and frozen fish- damn!) but that’s still decent compared to my AZ food budget. Doctoring up frozen veggies has been a life savor, and buying bulk is where it’s at. I only use the credit card to buy my gas, then go home and pay it immediately- just so I get the rewards through BofA. We’ve got this! Only buying what we need, and enjoying our treats when we can afford them.

      Christmas wish list: whole foods gift cards from everyone – ammi right?! 🙂

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